Thursday, January 10, 2008

Weird things

The other day at work my senior boss was in a chatty mood (right now we're all basically marking time until the next project) and was talking at length about the alleged uncertainties with regard to global warming, basically parroting the arguments of folks like Tim Ball (though he didn't recognize Ball's name when I mentioned it). Actually I'm being a bit unfair; he didn't actually assert that Ball et. al. are right, just that their positions should be considered, but it seemed kind of strange to be having that conversation when it's over 10 °C in early January and nearly all the snow has melted. And to be fair, he also mentioned James Lovelock in his discussions. Lovelock has lately been on about how it's too late to stop global warming, so we should be focusing on how to cope with it. I guess it makes sense for a right winger to keep Lovelock in reserve, so that when the credibility of folks like Ball drops into the cellar, you can still trot out an excuse to oppose constraints on the sacred free market. Whatever...

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