Tuesday, September 19, 2023

News roundup, 19 Sept 2023

- Heather Stefanson repeatedly dodged questions about her party's promise to "enhance parental rights in schools". I guess if she explained what they mean, it would defeat the purpose of dog whistling. Also worthy of notice - when a party's own candidate questions how long the leader is going to keep her job, that might be a sign that the party's morale is not in a good state.

- Also in Manitoba political news, staff at the provincial Environment Department have been cut by 70% since the Cons took power. But then, that's what modern conservatives do, isn't it.

- If Trudeau truly wants to protect Canadians from Pierre Poilievre (as any reasonable person does), perhaps he should resign and let someone else take over his party. Unfortunately, he shows no sign of doing so.

- The Swiss government is encouraging its citizens to reduce their meat consumption. This is good news; another sign that the meat industry may eventually go into terminal decline (though they'll fight tooth and nail to stay afloat).

- Serious work on geoengineering is afoot. Many argue, quite reasonably, that the deployment of such technologies should be banned until properly assessed. I would wholeheartedly agree with that, with the caveat that research should still continue, just in case we do cross the Godzilla Threshold.

- California is suing five oil companies for deliberately misleading the public about the amount of risk from their products. The unfortunate thing is that this will probably end up in the Trump-stacked Supreme Court in the end.

- Researchers at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh have developed what they say is a more environmentally friendly alternative to palm oil. This is sorely needed.

- Progress in the greening of Sacramento's electricity grid. They've put batteries into the system to enable more use of solar and wind.

- 73 entire genera have disappeared in the last 500 years. The species extinction rate is 35 times faster than when humans first appeared.

- It is expected that by 2025, more gasoline powered cars will be scrapped than sold. As this progresses further, with less demand for gasoline there will be fewer gas stations, causing a death spiral for gasoline.

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