Tuesday, October 10, 2023

News roundup, 10 Oct 2023

- The Israel-Gaza conflict continues. Hamas has reportedly threatened to kill one hostage for each airstrike that strikes Gaza, though one Palestinian politician says that they are prepared to negotiate. As disturbing as that is, much more disturbing is the possibility that this could lead to war with Iran, though some are skeptical that it could go that far. And the political debate over the matter has scarcely begun. One thing is clear, ordinary Palestinians aren't likely to benefit from the conflict.

- The City of Winnipeg has created a task force to address the issue of derelict buildings, but some inner city residents are skeptical that it will accomplish its goal.

- Unifor has launched strike action against some GM facilities in Ontario; meanwhile the UAW strike in the US continues apace.

- A man has been shot to death by police after crashing his car into the Chinese consulate in San Francisco.

- Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is running as an independent for the presidency. There is uncertainty as to who the resulting vote split would harm; his stance on a lot of issues (especially vaccines) is closer to Trump, but one poll suggests he could draw a significant amount of support from Democrats as well.

- The trial of Chris Barber and Tamara Lich continues in Ottawa. A striking fact is that the evidence provided by the Crown and the defense is very similar, described by one criminologist as a "Rorschach test" for how people feel about the convoy protest.

- German officials have made several arrests in a move against the far-right "Reichsbürger" movement.

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