Thursday, May 30, 2024

News roundup, 30 May 2024

- Israel's national security advisor says that he expects the war to continue for another seven months. Given how bad things are already in Gaza, you have to wonder how he expects them to resist that long. Maybe he figures that's what's needed to get everyone to leave.

- A Jewish school in Montreal has been hit by gunfire. Nobody was hurt, but no suspects have been found so far, and it's not the first time in the last few months that something like this has happened.

- Matthew Bzura, the president of the Professional Association of Residents and Interns of Manitoba, has lodged a complaint against Dr. Gem Newman, the medical graduate who dared to talk about Gaza in his valedictory address. Bzura alleges various policies related to professional behaviour and social media use were violated with the speech. Meanwhile businesses whose owners dared to share the video of Dr. Newman's speech have ended up on a list of "Jew-hating businesses" that is circulating on social media.

- Following the forceful removal of protesters from the University of Calgary earlier this month, Calgary police are denying that their body armour, shields, helmets, and flashbangs constitute "riot gear". If that's the case, I wonder what they'd use for an actual riot.

- A man who was ticketed after attending a People's Party of Canada rally in violation of COVID-19 restrictions has lost his bid to have the ticket thrown out. He has, however, been given a year to pay the fine.

- A couple of years ago the Alberta government began converting some beds at a long-term care home for use by psychiatric patients with "complex needs". This has not been good for the safety or comfort of the seniors already living there; violence and "shelter in place" orders are not the sort of thing most of us imagine would be a good way to spend our twilight years.

- A priest in Orlando, Florida may face criminal charges after allegedly biting a woman during an altercation over Holy Communion at a Sunday mass.

- A man in Michigan who had been charged with driving with a suspended license joined a virtual court hearing on Zoom... while driving. I do hope he doesn't get his license back any time soon; apart from whatever he may have done to lose it in the first place, he's clearly too stupid to allow on the road.

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