Monday, July 29, 2024

News roundup, 29 July 2024

- The fire that devastated Jasper last week went from nothing to uncontrollable in less than 48 hours. The extremely dry and windy conditions in the park, as well as the numerous dead trees from the mountain pine beetle infestation, created a 100 metre high wall of flame that firefighters could do nothing to stop. A former Parks Canada scientist believes Banff's days may be numbered as well; he thinks proper risk mitigation around that community could take 20-30 years, and the risk of another huge wildfire in the meantime is high.

- The wildfire situation in the western US is no better. The town of Paradise, California, devastated in a fire in 2018, is under notice to prepare for another evacuation, along with several nearby communities, due to a fire that has already damaged structures. Further south another fire in the Sequoia National Forest has forced more evacuations.

- Joe Biden is calling for term limits and enforceable ethics rules for the US Supreme Court. The chance of getting this through the current House of Representatives, much less meeting all the other requirements for a constitutional amendment, is pretty much nonexistent though.

- Israel blames the Lebanese based militant group Hezbollah for a rocket attack on a soccer field in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Hezbollah has denied responsibility, but Israel is bombing first and asking questions later.

- A megachurch in Oakville, Ontario is "pausing" programming because their insurer is unwilling to renew coverage for liability following sexual abuse allegations against one of their pastors.

- A Westjet flight from Las Vegas to Winnipeg was cancelled due to weather, but not before the passengers were left waiting for hours in 40 degree heat in the idle aircraft without air conditioning. The flight was initially delayed due to being overloaded and having insufficient fuel, and by the time those issues were resolved the weather had taken a turn for the worse, leading to the cancellation.

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