Sunday, June 3, 2007

Preparing to leave town again...

Yeah, it never ends. I'm to leave for Bracebridge tonight at 6 PM. However, at the end of the month I'm going to get a week's vacation, which I'm going to spend in Winnipeg. I'll be there from the 24th of June through the 1st of July, and I'm really looking forward to it.

The Agile Like This show was great. I bought their CD Take Our Load (a 5 track EP) and have been playing it quite a bit this weekend. They're apparently going to have a bunch of shows this summer, so anyone in the Tri-Cities should check them out. (Don't bring your kids, though, unless you want to have to explain some pretty perverse shit to them).

Yesterday I helped the Perfects move. They're now in a nice highrise, and they seem pretty happy with it. It was a very hot day, but the move itself went very smoothly (they had a fair amount of help). Or rather, it went smoothly except for one little thing- they clipped a parked car with the U-Haul. No serious damage, but embarrassing for them.

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