Wednesday, May 8, 2024

News roundup, 8 May 2024

- A report prepared for the City of Winnipeg's Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development is recommends against the planned sale of two historic city-owned buildings, a fire hall and the building that served as the city hall for the former City of St. Boniface. Instead, it recommends retaining ownership but entering into long-term leases with community organizations. I'd have to agree; the city hall in particular is a gem, and the only surviving example in this city of that style.

- An inconvenient truth for people who hate speed cameras - they work. In Guelph, average speeds in school zones have decreased from 42 to 33 km/h since the introduction of cameras. Of course, some people immediately bleat "CASH GRAB!" whenever the topic of speed cameras comes up, but there's a very simple way to avoid getting your cash grabbed - don't drive so bloody fast.

- Tom Heehler argues that one of the failings of the mainstream centrist or "liberal" media is that it gives too little coverage of non-crazy conservatives. There's something to that; simply put, Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene are a far better source of lurid stories than, say, Liz Cheney or Mitt Romney. For that matter, on this side of the border, when was the last time you heard Michael Chong mentioned in the news? I think Heehler is going a bit too far in calling Cheney and Romney "good", but they're rational and have a basic sense of integrity, which is more than can be said for the people who get all the coverage.

- A pro-Palestinian encampment has been set up at the University of Manitoba. Unlike many such encampments, the university and the protesters both seem to be acting reasonably, so far at least.

- The biggest barrier to installing heat pumps? There aren't enough trained workers to meet the demand.

- While honey bees get all the coverage, many species of bumble bee are in much more dire straits. A recent study has found that the optimal temperature range for a bumble bee nest is 28–32°C. Temperatures above 35°C are lethal; before that point, it leads to developmental issues, with larvae developing into smaller workers.

- A Newfoundland trucker went missing in Ontario two weeks ago. A big search was organized; strangely, nobody seems to have thought to properly search his truck until it was returned to Newfoundland, whereupon his body was found in the trailer. Strangely, the OPP seem a bit reluctant to answer questions on the matter.

- A 3 year old boy found something at home that he thought would be interesting to bring to his Richmond, Virginia preschool - a loaded handgun. Fortunately it didn't get fired and thus nobody was hurt, though a family member has been arrested; even in America they draw the line at letting three year olds play with guns.

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