Friday, July 6, 2007

Just one more thing to feel guilty about

I suppose I should have mentioned this Monday, since that was when it was rubbed in my face. On the Current they interviewed George Monbiot on the topic of climate change, and he said that you should never do what I just did and hop on a plane to take a week's vacation. The Bishop of London (the big, far away one, not the medium-sized one an hour's drive from here) has gone further, saying that flying to take a holiday is a sin. According to Monbiot, it's not just the fuel consumption (the consumption per passenger kilometre isn't too much worse with some jets than with cars, at least if they're fully loaded) but the fact that they release water vapour at high altitudes where it lingers and acts as a greenhouse gas (and a more powerful one than CO2, at that).

I guess that means that the next time I go to Winnipeg I should take the Greyhound. Which would suck, being a 33 hour trip and all, but I guess that's one of the ways we have to adapt.

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