Saturday, September 15, 2007

The things you learn by having a site meter

Ever since installing a site meter on my blog, I've been able to track hits, including referring pages if any. From the get go, of course, I've received a number of hits as a result of Google searches related to my screen name. In case you were wondering, yes I do have a rough idea as to how it's made, but I've never made it, so you'd best look elsewhere for advice on that front. The good folks at Science Madness might be willing to help you, though. Lately I've also received a number of hits from people searching for information about a homicide in Rockwood on the 8th of September, presumably as a result of this post. I haven't been able to find much information on that, but the Wellington County OPP have a brief summary here, if that's what you're looking for (scroll down a bit for the info). For the lurid details, though, you can look here and here (note that the second article will soon be behind a subscription wall).

In any case, if you've found my blog by accident, I hope you'll consider sticking around.

As far as the rest of the week went, it wasn't too bad. Curiously, though, a load of garbage from an apartment building contained around 100 kilograms of concrete paving stones (that's 220 pounds, for all you old fogies and Americans).

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