Friday, September 17, 2010

A little good news

Too often we've been getting bad news on the environmental front. However, this week there have actually been a few good news stories. Firstly, cod on the Grand Banks have recovered dramatically, though conservationists warn that it's too soon to reopen the fishery.

Secondly, a species thought to have been extinct since the mid 19th century has been rediscovered:
A 'mythical' fly has been rediscovered after 160 years.

Thought to be the first fly driven to extinction by humans, it was also considered one of Europe's few endemic animals to have disappeared for good.

The bizarre fly was considered 'mythical' due to its orange head, its preference for living on dead animal carcasses, and the fact it was rarely sighted even in the 19th Century.

The discovery of the fly living in Spain is "sensational", say scientists.
From the BBC. But perhaps the best news is this:

The protective ozone layer in the earth's upper atmosphere has stopped thinning and should largely be restored by mid century thanks to a ban on harmful chemicals, UN scientists said on Thursday.

The "Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion 2010" report said a 1987 international treaty that phased out chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) — substances used in refrigerators, aerosol sprays and some packing foams — had been successful.

From the Telegraph. This is something to remember -- an international agreement to phase out a dangerous pollutant got positive results within 23 years. So maybe something can be achieved on the climate front too...

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