Tuesday, August 15, 2023

News roundup, 15 Aug 2023

- The minister responsible for Liquor and Lotteries is telling Manitobans to blame the union and the NDP for the strike. Meanwhile they're offering prospective scabs $20 an hour, considerably more than the usual starting wage at the corporation. The Stefanson government would of course rather you ignore this as well as their continued mismanagement of healthcare and focus on their dog whistles about Wab Kinew.

- Burnaby is launching their own municipal housing authority. Given that Metro Vancouver is the third most unaffordable in the world, this is sorely needed.

- A court in Montana has ruled in favour of a group of young people who say the state has violated their right to a “clean and healthful environment” by not considering the climate impacts of energy projects.

- New research shows that crops and solar panels actually mix nicely, contrary to the FUD coing from rightwing populists. Meanwhile, solar and wind have the potential to revolutionize electricity supply in Africa. The rollout of solar is also running ahead of schedule in the EU. Definitely good news, as is the fact that a record number of solar panels and heat pumps have been deployed in the UK.

- On the other hand, climate change itself is also running ahead of schedule, and in fact may be even more of a threat to food security than previously thought.

- The death toll in Maui continues to rise.

- A plastic bag ban in Kenya is failing due to a thriving black market in bags.

- Yet another indictment for Donald Trump, and this time it's state charges, which means that presidential powers of pardon do not apply. And the state's RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) law is actually broader than its federal counterpart.

- In New York City they now have robotic window washers. Which could be considered a positive thing (not putting workers in harms way) or a negative (putting them out of work).

- A school trustee in Conroe, Texas claims that a student was "traumatized" by seeing a poster showing people of different races holding hands. Yeah right...

- Where did the Russians get the idea to make such heavy use of mercenaries like the Wagner Group? Well, they had the example of the Americans and Blackwater to follow... 

- Can the resurgence of industrial policy be sustained in the face of large amounts of sovereign debt? Naysayers don't think so, but it remains to be seen.


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