Sunday, August 27, 2023

News roundup, 27 Aug 2023

- Some states are moving to try to keep Trump off the ballot next year based on the 14th Amendment, which says that a public official is not eligible to assume public office if they "engaged in insurrection or rebellion against" the United States, or had "given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof". This could get interesting.

- The war in Ukraine continues apace. Unfortunately, neither Russia nor Ukraine is a signatory to the treaty banning cluster bombs. Neither is the US, who's selling them to Ukraine. Meanwhile, Russia is confirming the death of Prigozhin in that "accident" the other day.

- Speaking of that war, an interesting article by ABC global affairs editor John Lyons suggests, as Gwynne Dyer did last year, that the US is deliberately holding back on some military aid to Ukraine, out of fear that they could win outright and thus drive Russia to do something irreversible. If true, I can't blame the Americans for it, but it's unfortunate for Ukraine.

- The MLCC strike is officially over; workers ratified a new 4 year contract and the stores are to reopen tomorrow. At MPI, on the other hand, things are just getting started.

- The federal government used to be heavily involved in housing, until successive governments (Conservative as well as Liberal) got out of it as part of the neocon/neoliberal bandwagon that swept much of the world in the 1980s and 90s. Seems like a good time to get back in.

- Another day, another mass shooting in the US, this one apparently racially motivated.

- US federal authorities are investigating discrepancies between how around 5000 pilots reported their health conditions to the FAA compared with their reports to Veterans' Affairs. This does not inspire confidence.

- Unfounded rumours are being circulated in Vancouver Island alleging that the increasing numbers of homeless people on the island are being bused in from elsewhere (where depends on which city or town you're hearing the rumour in). Now it is true that some years ago Saskatchewan was buying one-way bus tickets to Vancouver for residentially challenged folks (and in the States, San Francisco has often been the destination) but there's no evidence for the current claims. One can't help but think that the folks on the Island can't imagine homelessness being a homegrown problem, it must be from the big cities elsewhere.

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