Tuesday, August 22, 2023

News roundup, 22 Aug 2023

- The "Inflation Reduction Act" continues to reap great dividends, though as usual not in reducing inflation but in helping with the switch over to green energy.

- Dozens of charred bodies have been found in the wake of a wildfire in Greece. 

- Due to high evaporation rates, Great Salt Lake is becoming so salty that it may soon be as dead as the Dead Sea. This won't be too good for people, or other animals, who live nearby, due to the amount of dust that is dispersed from its shores.

- Yet another variant of COVID-19 is spreading, though how serious a problem it will be remains to be seen.

- Even as Trump and his cronies are set to be booked on some of the most serious charges yet, the growing list of criminal charges against him is not yet denting his popularity, and may even be helping him - for the time being at least. Whether this is sustainable remains to be seen.

- The ICC's indictment of Putin is putting a damper on his travel plans.

- There has been a rash of vandalism of Holocaust memorial sites in Germany. There are fears that attacks on people will follow.

- The Manitoba NDP has committed to freezing Hydro rates for a year, as well as suspending the gas tax for "as long as inflation remains high". I fully approve of the first; I'm a little less sold on the second but as long as it's temporary I suppose it's reasonable. Probably good electioneering, if nothing else.

- The parents of the boy injured in the collapse of the walkway at Fort Gibraltar in May say that the child may end up permanently disabled. 

- A meta-analysis has concluded that trigger warnings do more harm than good, ironically because the warnings can themselves be triggering. No doubt some people who use the insertion of these warnings as a form of virtue signalling will be triggered by this study, though.

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