Saturday, August 26, 2023

News roundup, 26 Aug 2023

A bit more sparse than usual; been a busy day.

- More evacuations in the Northwest Territories due to wildfires.

- Dan Lett asks why the Tories would pick fights with thousands of civil servants just over a month before the election. His explanation is that they figure they need to motivate their base. Time will tell what effect this has on the election.

- Modern cars have sufficiently complex data recorders that they can often be used to determine if, say, someone who claims to have been carjacked is telling the truth.

- And speaking of modern cars, it seems that autonomous vehicles have an easier time recognizing light-skinned pedestrians as people. They also seem to be vulnerable to guerilla action.

- The Tyee's Crawford Killian has an interesting proposal for how higher education should be funded in the future - factor in the externalities of the careers that programs prepare their students for.

- An article published in a major scientific journal has been retracted because an investigation determined that its claims were "not supported by available evidence or data provided by the authors". Pretty straightforward, but since the article is about climate change you can be assured that certain types of people will scream "but sen-ser-ship!!! Waah! Hulk smash!!!!"

- A church fire in Winnipeg is being investigated as arson. Seems someone lit fires two nights in a row, and found success with the second.

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