Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Shuffle day?

It's looking like today is the day of the big shuffle. And it's going to be a big one, apparently; it won't be just a matter of filling the finance portfolio. After all, Aboriginal and Northern Affairs is technically vacant too (Eric Robinson has been filling in since the untimely death of Oscar Lathlin), and rumour has it that one or two current ministers want to return to the backbench. Yellow Snow has a reasonably plausible set of predictions; on the other hand the Free Press' Bruce Owen has some different ones. Interestingly, Owen suggests that Selkirk MLA Greg Dewar might take over Agriculture, something I'd never heard suggested before. Expect to see Bill Blaikie and Jennifer Howard get noteworthy posts as well.


unclebob said...

I like Ashton for Justice - not because he is going to get it but because he would actually get some much needed focus on it. I think Chomiak has had enough.

I also like Marilyn Brick for inclusion.My choice would be in a split FSH on the housing side. It is a big dollar commitment and never gets attention.

Anonymous said...

I like this shuffle day it is really a great .Well, the genre itself is underrepresented in Flash mostly due to the extreme amount of time needed for designing the game mechanics, but the game I'm designing could easily be considered a more complex.nintendo dsi r4