Monday, May 21, 2007


As planned, I drove to Hamilton to pick up the photo equipment (haven't had a detailed look yet, though) and visited my grandma and my aunt in Burlington. On coming home I got a call from CL, who is house-sitting for a friend, and taking care of said friend's two insane dogs. This particular friend is a programmer or some similar sort of high tech guru, who has her own consulting company and is looking at being able to retire in five years or so (and she's only in her forties! I hate people like that). Needless to say, she has plenty of money to spend on things like a Nintendo Wii, which CL and I spent some time playing. I suck utterly at baseball and boxing, but am tolerably good at auto racing and bowling. What neither I nor CL noticed was that while we were playing the game, one of the dogs grabbed my shoes, dragged them out into the backyard, and hid them, doing significant damage in the process (they're still wearable, but barely). Fortunately we were able to find them. I don't know; in some cultures they seem to have a much better idea of what to do with these creatures than we do (we tend to get all squeamish because they're cute and furry and all that shit). Too bad, because otherwise I could have sold the offending creature to the local Pizza Pop factory and bought a new pair of shoes with the money. But such is life.


Whippersnapper said...

I, uh, tried it when I was in South Korea. It was very spicy and stringy. And that's all I have to say about that.

nitroglycol said...

Does the Gravolmeister know? He has the URL of my blog, you know (though I haven't seen any hits from Hong Kong since getting the site meter).