Monday, May 28, 2007

An improvement

You know how, when you're getting hit repeatedly in the head really hard, and then the assailant starts beating you a little less hard, how that feels so much better? Well this week is shaping up to be like that. We had a reasonable amount of material today, with the result that we were done by 5 PM. Furthermore, we got to sleep in- we didn't have to get up till 6 AM, rather than 5:15 like on the previous project.

There was bad news today, but it didn't affect me. The Human Sawmill and the Norfolk Dude park their cars in the church parking lot near the office (with permission; the company has an arrangement with the church). Well, it seems that this morning someone broke into ND's car, and started to have a go at HS's. Apparently nothing's actually been stolen; the CDs in ND's car were gone through but none were missing. I guess in a sense that's adding insult to injury- not only does he get his window broken, but his musical taste insulted as well.

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