Thursday, May 10, 2007

Finds of the week?

In today's audit we found a couple of interesting things. In one load we found three bottles (two water, one Gatorade) which were filled with a liquid that we suspect was urine (none of us, however, was curious enough to open the bottles and sniff to find out for sure). So we simply weighed them out as "household special waste" (Stewardship Ontario, being an industry body, prefers this over the more common term "household hazardous waste"; according to them industry would never sell a hazardous product to the public). In the next load we found an empty laboratory reagent bottle, labeled as benzyl benzoate. That same load also contained a number of syringes, which gives one an idea of what the reagent was probably used for.

I've slept rather poorly for the last few days; my sleep was interrupted a number of times by weird dreams. In one of these I met someone who I haven't seen in around eight years; I'm rather curious as to what has actually become of him.

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